Growing Flowers for Fun or Profit

As the micro eco-farming movement continues, flower carts from mini flower farms: backyard to half an acre, are springing up on small town street corners and near busy urban coffee shops. U-pick flower patches and honor-system flower stands are further ways flower lovers are earning income.
For those who prefer being with flowers to being with people, the honor system bouquet stand allows growers to play in their flower patch all day, make beautiful arrangements to set out in the morning, and simply collect the cash from the locked cash box in the evening.
Avoid competing with larger cut flower farms, grow ecologically, no pesticides, herbicides, etc. More and more of the mainstream is becoming concerned about the damage caused by the chemical flower industry. Advertise your sustainable approach with your flowers, letting customers know your flower farm does not harm the environment and is a haven for local birds, bees and butterflies. And, grow popular varieties but with a twist: add unusual flowers types amidst more common varieties with your bouquets, or grow unusual varieties of the familiar favorites. Here are several for starters:
- Dwarf lilacs that bloom off-season. How wonderful to find bouquets of this classic country favorite in fall!
- Be the first to offer new varieties of familiar flowers. Such as newly developed colors of dahlias or cosmos or sunflowers. 'Lemon Queen,' for example, is a unique sunflower with lemon-yellow petals and a chocolate colored center.
- Become known for specializing in something unique, such as old-fashioned heirlooms like 'Kiss-Me-Over-The-Garden-Gate,' which produces many rope-like hanging flowers on its six-foot tall stems.
More marketing tips:
Give deeper meaning to your flowers and let customers know the flowers' histories. If you grow Mexican Torch sunflowers, let your customers know this is also called, "Golden Flower of the Aztecs.
Extend the season by producing non-perishables from your flowers. This includes drying flowers, selling flower seeds with handmade greeting cards (as described more at the Center for the Micro Eco-Farming Movement,, or making floral waters. Type up tags for your fresh cut flowers that let buyers know of your other locally grown, handcrafted floral products they can purchase throughout the year.
Barbara Adams
Center for the Micro Eco-Farming Movement

Tips on Giving Flowers to Men

Traditionally, males give flowers to females as a symbol of their love and affection. The delicate form, the subtle scent, and the pure color of any flower can liven up a room - or a heart. Giving flowers is indeed one of the most romantic gestures a man can offer to the special woman in his life not only as a sign of love but also of gratitude and appreciation.
Some of the best flowers in the world can be found right here in the Philippines, and not only that - Filipinos are known to be one of the most romantic people in the world. Where else would a woman want to be? It is no wonder that during anniversaries, Valentine's Day, or just about any occasion that can serve as an excuse, flowers in the Philippines are always there to cheer up women from all walks of life.
But why should girls have all the fun? They can also give flowers to their special someone! Indeed, it isn't common practice, but isn't an act that's both different and spontaneous more special? The flowers mean as much - as symbols of love and gratitude - but in a totally unique and thus, more meaningful context. Men may like to act all macho and indifferent, but a bunch of nice flowers may just be the exact thing a woman needs to melt their hearts!
Here are some tips for ladies who want to give flowers to men:
1.) You can ditch the pink, fancy, curly ribbons in favor of something more simple and straightforward, something that is more appropriate for men. Try elegant green, red, or dark blue wraps for the flowers.
2.) Tuck in a nice card that says it all!
3.) Of course, you can just handpick your flowers if you have a garden; this gives an unforgettable personal touch. If you don't have a garden though, there are many florists in the Philippines (both walk-in and online) that have extensive collections from which you can choose. They will even be happy to wrap the flowers for you and they sell cards as well.
4.) You can make the flower delivery yourself, but you can also have the flowers delivered by the florist to his office or even to his own home for that extra element of surprise. For professional flower shops, delivery of the flowers should be a breeze.
You might be a little apprehensive about the idea, but we assure you that giving flowers need not be something that only the guys do. Offering beautiful flowers is just as eloquent as giving a passionate letter or a simple touch of the hand. Giving flowers is not something confined to gender stereotypes. Ultimately, it is the feeling behind the gesture that counts. So ladies, go for it! You just might be surprised by his reaction.
This article was written by Timothy Spencer for Island Rose - Send Gifts to the Philippines. We hope you enjoyed this article and encourage you to visit our website. Through Island Rose, you can send Flowers Philippines or simply browse through our blog for more informative articles.

Flower Arrangement Themes

Most flower arranging competitions are divided into Classes that usually separate one type of flower or vegetable from another.
Classes are usually divided into Single Entry meaning just one or two flowers in a vase or Arrangements which are groups of artistically placed blooms and foliage in a container.
Arrangements usually have a Theme which means "an implied or suggested idea".
For example: The theme is "April in Paris". 
You are free to interpret it however you like but if you need a little help there are lots ways to find ideas:
Look up the meaning of each word in the dictionary.
Is there a song, book or movie that uses the theme word or words in its title?
Even the date a song, book or movie was written might help you choose a style or the accessories for your arrangement.
You might even associate a particular colour or flower with the theme from something you remember.
It could remind you of a place, a time in history, an animal, an piece of art, patterns, a season, a holiday or almost anything else.
'Surf the net' for ideas and inspiration or look through some magazines until you have an idea of what you want to create.
Don't forget to review the Show Rules and Regulations before you finalize you're idea.
If you have any questions, contact the show's organizers or judges to clarify anything you are unsure about.
by Louise Larabie

The Language and Meaning of Flowers

Sweet flowers alone can say what passion fears revealing
Thomas Hood poem, The Language of Flowers
Flowers and bouquets of flowers have a meaning of their own. Most of us know that a dozen red roses means, "Be mine." But did you know, for example, that a primrose means, "I can't live without you," or that a purple hyacinth means, "Please forgive me," or that a pink carnation means, "I'll never forget you," or that a gladiolus means, "Give me a break?"
Flower meanings have been used to convey ideas, feelings and messages for centuries. The word, floriography, has been coined for the assignment of meaning to flowers. There is a meaning to colors of flowers, to numbers of flowers, and to groups of flowers. It is a silent language that has been largely lost to us through lack of use.
In addition to the obvious choices of color and variety, the language of flowers also includes the way flowers are worn or presented. Presenting flowers upright conveys a positive meaning, but if they are presented upside down the meaning is the opposite. If a ribbon is included with the flowers and is tied to the left then the meaning of the flowers refers to the giver, but if the ribbon is tied to the right then the meaning refers to the recipient. Also, flowers can be used to answer questions. When they are presented with the right hand the answer is "yes," but when presented with the left hand the answer is "no."
The Turks in the 17th century seemed to develop flower meanings. In 1718 the wife of the British ambassador to Constantinople, Lady Mary Wortley, wrote a letter expounding on the "Secret Language of Flowers" that she had discovered during her visits to Turkey. Europe quickly picked up on the concept.
In 1819 Louise Cortambert, under the pen name, Madame Charlotte de la Tour, wrote and published what seems to have been the first dictionary of the flower language entitled, Le Language des Fleurs. It was a small book, but it became a popular reference on the subject.
During the Victorian era, the reign of Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1901, the meaning and language of flowers became increasingly popular. Victorian women especially picked up the silent language that allowed them to communicate feelings and meanings that the strict propriety of the times would not allow. Tussie-mussies, a bouquet of flowers wrapped with a lace doily and tied with a satin ribbon became a popular and valued gift of the times.
In 1884 a whole book on the subject and entitled, The Language of Flowers, by Jean Marsh and illustrated by Kate Greenaway, was published in London. It became popular and respected and has been the standard source for Victorian flower meaning ever since.
What To Do
With the lists above you should be able to assemble a meaningful gift of flowers or a bouquet that conveys a complex thought. Wrap the flowers appropriately and present them in a significant manner. Then, just to be certain that your efforts are not misinterpreted, include a card that fully explains the meaning of your flowers.
After a few flower presentations you should be able to drop the explanatory notes and begin enjoying and sharing the silent language of flowers.

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Naturopath - What Are Flower Essences?

Flower essences are liquids containing the absorbed essence or electromagnetic pattern of specific flowers.
They work by using the specific electromagnetic energy contained in each different and unique plant. The energy of the plant is contained in a most pure and strong form in the flower. By infusing or steeping the flowers in spring water in the sun, this energy or vibration is then transferred to the water which becomes the mother tincture of the plant or flower essence.
"When the person takes the flower essence, the vibration is then passed on from the flower essence to the patient. It is merely transference of energy from one form to another."
The energy transferred to the patient can be used for specific states of mind or for maladies that may have their roots in emotional disharmony. The energy works on the negative energy state of the mind, aura or body, giving balance and ease from stress and suffering.
The development of Flower Essences is credited to Dr Edward Bach, a British homeopath and physician in the 1930s with a genius for research who worked in immunology and vaccine development.
He became discontented with medicines focus on the unnatural approach, feeling modern medicine was too impersonal and did not take into account an individuals personal traits. He believed the cause of disease was not merely physical, but an imbalance or conflict in the spiritual and mental aspects of the personality, which then caused the body to be sapped of vital energy and power, thereby leading to the development of disease.
In 1930 he left his Harley Street practice & began searching the native countryside for plants and flowers & researching their healing properties. He used himself as part of the experiment to feel & experience the energy of the plant and discovered 38 plant remedies which balance emotions such as fear, loneliness, over concern, shock, grief and terror. Bach saw himself as an instrument of God and Nature.
The Bach Flower centre in England still exists today making flower essences & treating people successfully
Today, there are many different systems of Flower Remedies. In Australia, they are known as Bush Flower Essences or Australian Bush Remedies.
Each different substance or flower vibrates at different frequencies thereby providing different effects. They may affect the psychogenic aspects of physical illness, the personality of the person, their outlook and temperament.
Flower essences work on the mental, spiritual and psychological levels of a person's psyche.
With over 35 years of health care experience in nursing, general practice, paediatrics, rehabilitation and geriatrics my experience has given me a broad knowledge and understanding of health care needs. My frustration with the inadequacies of the orthodox way of treating illness lead to further study and training in nutrition, botanical medicine, iridology and remedial massage and in establishing my naturopath clinic on the Central Coast of NSW Australia. I now offer the best of both worlds in terms of information, education, lifestyle modification, medication, herbal medicine and body therapies.
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